
Can Koz

canxkoz dot gmail dot com

I have graduated with an MSc in Advanced Computer Science from the University of Oxford. During my time at Oxford, I was mentored by Dr. Tomas Jakab and Luke Melas-Kyriazi at the Visual Geometry Group.

Previously I worked as a Large Language Model Engineer, where I worked on projects at the intersection of machine learning, air charter services. I have also worked as a Computer Vision Engineer focusing on event-based vision.

I was an undergraduate researcher at Visual Design and Engineering Lab (VDEL) in the Mechanical Engineering Department at CMU for three years. I was advised by Prof. Levent Burak Kara, Wentai Zhang and Kevin Ferguson. As an undergraduate research assistant, I solved problems in mechanical engineering using deep learning / computer vision such as flaw detection in metal additive manufacturing and generating / understanding engineering design. During my studies in the US, I worked with undergraduate CS students from UC Berkeley, Stanford and MIT on projects at the intersection of machine learning, healthcare, and finance. Click here to see my projects!

Over the past couple of years, I have also taken non-degree machine learning courses on Coursera. I have completed Deep Learning Specialization, AI for Medicine Specialization and Self-Driving Cars Specialization. I am currently learning financial machine learning and building high frequency trading bots, with a particular interest in applying reinforcement learning techniques to optimize trading strategies. When I’m not in front of a screen, I enjoy rowing, playing drums, and reading science fiction novels.

I am a proud mentor at AI for Medicine Specialization , Deep Learning Specialization and a member of the Learning on Graphs and Geometry Reading Group (LoGG).


Jun 11, 2024 My thesis ‘Multiview Diffusion for Deformable Object Generation’ earned Best Poster Award at Oxford Computer Science Conference.
Oct 30, 2023 Our paper “Multi-task Learning for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) Vessel Segmentation” was accepted to Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS 2023
Oct 15, 2023 I was a reviewer at the Temporal Graph Learning Workshop at NeurIPS 2023
Oct 1, 2023 Excited to start my MSc in Advanced Computer Science at University of Oxford.
Aug 1, 2022 Our paper “Data Augmentation of Engineering Drawings For Data-Driven Component Segmentation” was accepted to IDETC-CIE 2022.

selected research (more)

I am interested in 3D generative models, self-supervised learning, score-based models, graph neural networks, multi-task learning, and leveraging sparse priors for 3D reconstruction. I draw inspiration from intelligence in humans and nature while I attempt to solve multidisciplinary problems using machine learning. My goal is to develop advanced design tools, allowing intelligent agents to understand and improve existing 2D and 3D designs made by humans.


    1. octa.gif
      Multi-task Learning for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) Vessel Segmentation
      Can KozOnat Dalmaz, and Mertay Dayanc
      Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS, 2023
    2. DAC.gif
      Data Augmentation of Engineering Drawings for Data-Driven Component Segmentation
      IDETC-CIE, 2022
    3. manu.gif
      Flaw Detection in Metal Additive Manufacturing Using Deep Learned Acoustic Features
      ML4Eng @ NeurIPS, 2020

    selected projects (more)

    1. gen3d.png
      Text-to-3D and Image-to-3D made easy, Mar 2024
    2. cosona.png
      Chat to your favourite characters, Nov 2023
    3. physyou.png
      Can KozYi ZuIan Perez, and Leslie Hwang
      Your AI-powered physical therapist, anywhere, Feb 2021
    4. covidanalyst.png
      COVID Analyst
      AI-powered targeted analytics for the COVID-19 pandemic, Apr 2020
    5. pocketanalyst.png
      PocketAnalyst puts the brain of financial analysts in your pocket to help you navigate the world of financial markets, Oct 2019
